Advanced: Upper Extremity

Advanced: Upper Extremity

Bicep Curls
Start with elbows straight at sides, and then bend elbows upward to your chest. Can also perform alternating or with one side only.Perform 3 time 15 repetitions.
Single Leg Balance-Bicep Curls
Stand on one leg. Start with your arms down at your sides and your palms facing outwards. Then bend your elbows upward to your chest. Can also perform alternating or one side only like in the third and forth picture.Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

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Basic Core Exercises

Basic Core Exercises

When you hear the term “core,” abdominal muscles may immediately come to mind. However, the core actually comprises much more than just the abs. The core includes all the deep and superficial muscles used to stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body as well as the pelvis and hips.The core is where the body’s center of gravity is located, and is the root source of all movement whether we’re talking about trunk movement or movement of the extremities.

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Basic Lower Extremity

Basic Lower Extremity

Supporting left thigh behind knee, slowly straighten knee until stretch is felt in back of thigh. Hold 30 seconds. Lying on floor with left leg on wall, other leg through doorway, scoot buttocks toward wall until stretch is felt in back of thigh. As leg relaxes scoot closer to wall hold 30 seconds. Pull left knee toward opposite shoulder. Hold 30 seconds. Relax. With left leg hanging over side of bench, other knee to chest relax leg as much as possible. Hold 30 seconds. Relax.

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Basic Upper Extremity

Basic Upper Extremity

Facing anchor , tubing around the right hand, elbow bent 90 degrees, forearm forward, pull forearm back, keeping elbow bent. Repeat 20 times per set. Do 3 sets per session. Do 1 session per day. Hold tubing in left hand, elbow at side and forearm across body. Rotate forearm out. Repeat 20 times per set. Do 3 sets per session. Do 1 session per day. Hold tubing in left hand, elbow at side and forearm out. Rotate forearm in across body. Peat 20 times per set. Do 3 sets per session. Do 1 session per day.

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