2011-2014 Injury Study

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27 Year Statistics

27 Year Statistics DURING ONE YEAR (2007) •Covered 130 rodeo events •Covered over 600 performances •Over 6,000 athletes seen in Justin Sportsmedicine Centers •Over $1,500,000 in free medical services provided contestants •Over 23,000 rolls of athletic tape used (165 miles of tape) which is enough rolls to[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="https://justinsportsmedicineteam.com/27-year-statistics/" align="left"]

Where They Were Injured

Where They Were Injured Percent Of Injuries Per Location: Combined Totals 1981-2005 Click HERE to download the PDF[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="https://justinsportsmedicineteam.com/where-they-were-injured/" align="left"]

Injuries By Anatomical Location

Total Rodeo Injuries By Anatomical Location Combined Totals 1981-2005 Click HERE to download the PDF[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="https://justinsportsmedicineteam.com/injuries-by-anatomical-location/" align="left"]

Non Contestant Injuries

Non-Contestant Injuries In Rodeo Combined Totals 1981-2005 Click HERE to download the PDF.[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="https://justinsportsmedicineteam.com/non-contestant-injuries/" align="left"]

Percent Of Injuries Per Event

Percent of Injuries Per Event Combined Totals 1981-2005 Click HERE to download the PDF[read_more text="Read more" title="Read more" url="https://justinsportsmedicineteam.com/percent-of-injuries-per-event/" align="left"]